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  • The journal must publish National/International level
  • Journals with valid ISSN No. (Print / Online)
  • In case of Print only journals must have to send their journals softcopy
  • The submitted journals at least 5 article must have been published in a year.
  • All journals those who are registered with GIF must enter their all articles in Knowledge Database, to proceed for evaluation of journals IMPACT FACTOR.
  • We are charging nominal fee for processing your journal to get Journal Impact Factor
  • All submitting data must be 100% accurate.
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Online ISSN
(For eg. 1234-5678)
Print ISSN
(For eg. 1234-5678)
Chief Editor
Publisher Name
URL (Optional)
Journal Description
(Max. 300 Words)
Organization Contact Details
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Content Accessibility (Full Text/Abstract/ Table of Content)
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