Journal Details

  • Journal of Environmental science, computer science and engineering

    Publisher Scientific and Academic Association Publication house SCIACAS.
    E-ISSN E-ISSN: 2278-179X
    Print ISSN nil
    Chief Editor DR.V.K.SHARMA
    Contact email
    Address Scientific and Academic Association Publication house SCIACAS. Dr. V.K. Sharma 9, Ambika Dham, Dholkot Chauraha, Pahara road, Udaipur(Rajasthan)-313001, INDIA.
    Country India
    Impact Factor Or Status Awaiting
    Journal Description

    Journal of Environmental science, computer science and engineering & technology (JECET) is an initiative to provide international platform for quality research papers. JECET is an independent, online and open access peer-reviewed as well as fully referred quarterly (February, May, August, and November) journal. It serves as an international archival forum of scholarly research related to environmental science, computer science, engineering & technology. Every year majority of the research efforts get lost due to lack of effective scientific archival systems. JECET believes that educational papers help improve the quality of research teaching. The manuscripts which are selected after rigorous review process enable research teams to draw attention to recent directions of their research and put their achievements in perspective. JECET publishes original research papers in advance and dissemination of research findings in all related areas such as environmental science, computer science, engineering & technology. Ii has 3 sections summarized as follows: Section A : Environmental Science This section covers agriculture and fisheries, air, water and land pollution, anaerobic digestion, , gasification, Environmental Chemistry, Environmental Engineering, Environment and Human activities, Mining and Metallurgy, novel treatment processes for wastewater, wastewater treatment and engineering and solid waste treatment etc. Section B : Computer Science This journal covers all the topics of Web Technology, Soft Computing, Theory of Computation, Advanced Compiler Design, Data Mining & Data Warehousing, Artificial Intelligence, Parallel Computing, VLSI Design, Embedded Systems, Pattern Recognition, Modeling and Simulation, Advanced Computer Graphics, Distributed Algorithms, Cryptography & Network Security, Multimedia and Graphics, Mobile Computing, Software Engineering, DBMS, Advanced Computer Architecture, Operating Systems, Computer Network and Distributed Systems, Design and Analysis of Algorithm, Discrete Structure, etc. Section C : Engineering & Technology This section deals with Agricultural, Automation, Biomedical , Bio tech., Ceramic , Chemical, Civil ,Communication , Design , Electrical , Electronic and Electrical , Industrial , Mechanical , Metallurgical ,Mining , Petroleum, Production ,Structural ,Textile Materials, Mechanical, Metallurgical , Mining ,Petroleum ,Production ,Structural and textile Engineering etc& technology, etc.

    Journal Language


    Accessibility Type (Free/Paid)


    Area of Specialization

    Environmental science, computer science and engineering & technology (JECET)

    Starting Year of the Journal


    Online Availability (Yes/No)


    Content Accessibility (Full Text/Abstract/ Table of Content)
