Journal Details
Publisher Granthaalayah Publications & Printers E-ISSN 2350-0530 Print ISSN 2350-0530 URL Chief Editor Tina Sethiya Porwal Contact email Address 109/c Sukhdev Nagar Ex-2, Airport Road, Indore, M.P. India Country India Impact Factor Or Status 0.576 Journal Description The “International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH” is peer reviewed monthly international journal of all research, IJRG, monthly peer-reviewed, online, open-access (OA), journal supported by an editorial board consisting of experts in all disciplines from different countries. The major aim of IJRG (International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH) is to rapidly report the most recent developments in the research by the academician and students. IJRG (International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH) accepts papers on the following aspects related to Engineering, Management, Social, Arts, Commerce, Technology and Science etc. We also encourage papers that cover all other areas of knowledge as well as basic research.
Journal Language English
Accessibility Type (Free/Paid) Paid
Area of Specialization Engineering, Science, Management, Art and Social.
Starting Year of the Journal 2014
Online Availability (Yes/No) Yes
Content Accessibility (Full Text/Abstract/ Table of Content) Full text