Journal Details
Publisher AMITESH PUBLICATION & COMPANY E-ISSN 2348-3083 Print ISSN 2349-9664 URL Chief Editor DR. YASHPAL Contact email Address 5/14. SHIVKRUPA RESIDENCY, FLAT NO 10. II FLOOR, DATTNAGAR-JAMBHULWADI ROAD, AMBEGAON (BK) Country India Impact Factor Or Status Awaiting Journal Description SCHOLARLY RESEARCH JOURNAL FOR HUMANITY SCIENCE & ENGLISHis an INTERNATIONALLY PEER REVIEWED, REFEREED, INDEXED & having Impact Factor SJIF 2015 = 3.801 Journal published online bimonthly with an aim to provide a platform for researchers, practitioners, academicians and professional from diverse are
Journal Language ENGLISH
Accessibility Type (Free/Paid) PAID
Area of Specialization HUMANITY
Starting Year of the Journal 2013
Online Availability (Yes/No) YES
Content Accessibility (Full Text/Abstract/ Table of Content) PDF