Journal Details
Publisher IFRN E-ISSN 1807-1600 Print ISSN 1518-1634 URL Chief Editor J Yvan P Leite Contact email Address Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Norte Av. Salgado Filho, 1559 CEP 59015-000 Natal-RN-Brasil Country Brazil Impact Factor Or Status Awaiting Journal Description Holos is an open access journal of the Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Norte that aims to disseminate scientific research in the areas: multi-disciplinary, geoscience, mineral processing, science, technology and engineering.
Journal Language Portuguese, English and Spanish
Accessibility Type (Free/Paid) Free
Area of Specialization interdisciplinary
Starting Year of the Journal 1985
Online Availability (Yes/No) 2004
Content Accessibility (Full Text/Abstract/ Table of Content) Full text